Sunday, October 22, 2006
spam yg makin canggih
Dear Sahat,
I got your contact from the chambers of commerce Zambabwe, permit me to tell you this, I am Abrahim Yusuf from the republic of Ivory Coast, and the president of the Ivorian National Assembly, I want to send my son to Indonesia with some amount of money to see if you can help me buy hotel with the sum of $1,100.000,00, One million one hundred thousand dollars, please if possible buy me a small hotel in Indonesia, for my positon that is why I decided to invest for him so that he will be there for me then after I will be coming to meet you and him please make sure you will take care of my son and I really need your guide line and direction to assist me as you are from in Indonesia.
Send me your phone number for easy commiuncation so that I will call you for more discussion, this is my number as well ( 0024107523218 ) you can call me or send me an e-mail so that I will prepare my son soonest.
keep this secret as you may no my position here in my country,
Get back to me soonest.
Mr. Abrahim Yusuf
biasanya kan kalo dapet email spam beginian tinggal di hapus aja.. kali ini lebih rajin orangnya.. bisa aja in the middle of tidur siang gue ada yg nelpon... halo, i'm abrahim yusuf... from ivory coast... busettttt... ini orang kok bisa tau no telp gue ya??? tadinya gue pengen isengin... Ahhh, ivory coast ??? i'm Didier Drogba... tapi karena masih ngantuk, gue malah matiin aja telponnya. Buset, gangguin orang tidur siang aja...
Heran oh heran.. kok masih ada orang nyari duit dari yang kayak beginian... jangan2 banyak yang ketipu nih, mangkanya ada aja modus operandi penipuan model begini ...

posted by .. at 11:05 PM